Ingrid Gosselink, known as LECLERI, was born in 1973 in Coutances. Outside of established artistic training and by temperament, a self-taught painter, she has developed her learning by giving free reign to her imagination and drawing her inspiration from what Normandy is rich in, its landscapes and its men.
Adept of monochrome, where she finds calm and simplicity, she paints figurative works with a restricted palette of colors, mots often in black and white, on the theme of the marine world, but not exclusively, where imagination meets reality. In perpetual research, her unconventional revolution now underway, and is taking her to the sores of the abstract …
“Shorelines and drifts; Tide… Volution”.
Career Highlights
January/February 2019
“Empreintes”, Blainville-sur-mer, France
July 2019
Exhibition, Château de Régneville, France
February 2019 & 2020
“Art Capital Fair”, Grand Palais, Paris